
Contributors are welcome to submit a technical paper for publication in any issue of this journal on a subject of their expertise and experience in research and development in the broad field of agriculture.

Substantial contributors are responsible for the content of the article, they can defend it should there be any queries and that they maybe asked to make revisions on the content if necessary.

Trade Names and Chemical Names
Sequence of Contents
References Cited
Tables, Figures and Illustrations
Author and Subject Index

Information for Contributors

The manuscript should be double-space in 12-point type, preferably in Times New Roman font, including text, quotations, table titles, captions, and footnotes. The manuscript should consist of the Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References Cited, List of Tables and Figures, Tables and Figures (details below).

Margins should be at least 4.0 cm from the left and 2.5 cm from the top, bottom and right-hand sides of each page. Each page must also have consecutive line numbers on the left-hand margin. The customary paragraph indentation is 5 spaces. Submit the complete e-copies of the manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief, together with a certification from a language editor that the manuscript has been edited. Submit the manuscript to

Articles must be the results of recently conducted research. They must neither be previously nor simultaneously submitted in any journal nor published elsewhere except in a preliminary form. The article should state when and where the study was conducted. Each article should not be more than 30 pages, including tables and figures. Longer articles may be published at the author’s expense. Articles must contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge or toward better understanding of scientific concepts in tropical agriculture and related fields.

A 2- to 4-page paper with an abstract (following the same manuscript format), and a maximum of 3 tables and/or figures and 10 references can be submitted as a research note to report on new disease or insect infestations, potential of a technology or crop, introduction or propagation of a crop or animal breed, routine test such as fertilizer, technology, feed, variety, hybrids or cropping schemes. Papers on novel and important findings warranting immediate publication, but which can not be justified as full-length articles, can be published as research notes.

Review papers should be critical analysis and integration of recent advances in an important area of research which can stimulate further research, provide a new approach or new knowledge. Authors of these papers should have published at least 3 articles on the subject in a refereed journal or should be recognized authorities in the field covered by the review.

Articles on germplasm and new cultivars or breeds should have an endorsement from the institution of any of the authors. The articles should have certifications that the authors of the article and the authors whose names have been included in scientific names are the acknowledged discoverers of species and/or the acknowledged developers of breeds, cultivars or hybrids.

Text documents should be in Word format. Tables should be in excel format.

Page proofs are given to authors after the manuscripts have been camera-ready prepared. The editors take no responsibility for inaccuracy on the part of the author(s). Except for printer and editorial errors, all substantial changes in proofs will be charged to the authors. If the files are larger than 2 MB, they may be sent in google drive or the editor-in-chief may be consulted for other efficient means of file transmission.

Additional Information

Articles may be papers and notes on original fundamental or applied research and, to a limited extent, critical research reviews, professorial chair lectures or book reviews on tropical agricultural science and related areas including environmental science, food science, engineering, biotechnology, economics, extension, rural sociology, development communication, agroforestry and silviculture, and marine and fishery sciences.

All papers submitted for publication undergo double-blind peer review. The section editor and, finally, the editor-in-chief then add their comments. The reviewers for a volume of the journal are published in the last issue of the volume.

Information for contributors are published in the last issue of every volume and may be accessed through this website.

Page Charges

Regular subscribers, including those who have been subscribers at the time of submission of their articles, shall pay a page charge of PhP 300.00 per printed page. Non-subscribers shall pay a page charge of PhP 400.00 per page. A page is defined as the entire or a fraction of a printed page. On the other hand, a research note with 3 pages will be charged PhP 300.00. The cost of printing color photographs will be separate from that of page charges.

Authors of papers from other institutions in the Philippines who are not subscribers shall pay PhP 400.00 per printed page for papers accepted for publication, exclusive of the printing cost of color photographs and exclusive of the shipping cost of the printed copy; from other institutions outside the Philippines, US$250.00 exclusive of the printing cost of color photographs and exclusive of the shipping cost of the printed copy.

NOTE: Kindly send us an email for the current shipment cost.

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